Surviving Lockdown

I don't think any of us would have believed someone if a few months ago they would have told us that the whole country was going to practically shut down. And it's scary! It's not like anything that's happened before, and nobody's really sure what to do. Here I am writing a blog post about …

My First Week on Animal Crossing: New Horizons

This is a new thing for me, writing about games, but I might as well, especially since all I talk about at the moment is Animal Crossing. First Impressions I'd had the game on preorder from Amazon for months, but with the apocalypse going off, I began to worry that it wouldn't actually arrive on …

An Update from Sam

Well... it's been a while. I know I keep promising I will come back to blogging, and I'm still not sure whether I will fully return. With the amount of drama that tends to kick off on social media whenever a blogger does the slightest thing wrong, I was never as honest as I wanted …

Instagram, I Miss You

I don't want this to seem like I'm jumping on the bandwagon of hating Instagram, because I know there is a lot of this around. But I really, really, really, do hate Instagram. I have an account specifically for this blog, but I rarely post on it any more, and I felt it was time …